

1、过去时(if + 主语 + 动词过去式......could/would/might/should + 动词原型。)

If I had money, I could buy the car.

If I knew her number, I would call her

If I were rich, I might go there

2、过去完成时(if + 主语 + had + 过去分词......could/would/might/should + have + 过去分词。)

If I had studied hard, I could have passed the test.

If I had known her number, I would have called her.

If she had helped me, I should have finished it.

If I had got up early, I could have caught the bus.

3、错综虚拟语气(if + 主语 + had + 过去分词..could/would/might/should + 动词原型 + now/today/like this.)


If driver had been careful, those people could be alive now.

If I had married her, I could be living happily now.

4、将来时(if + 主语 + should +动词原型 ... will/can/may/shall/could/would/should/might+动词原型; if + 主语 + were to + 动词原型...could/would/should/might+动词原型)

if you go, I will go too.


if you should go, I will go.


if you were to go, I would go.


if the sun were to rise in the west, I could marry you.

If driver had been careful, those people could be alive now.

二、 I wish引导的虚拟语气(要是....就好了)


I wish I were a poat. 我要是诗人就好了。

I wish I knew the answer. 我要是知道答案就好了。

2、过去完成时 (I wish ... had + 过去分词)

I wish I had taken you advice.我当时接受你的建议就好了。

I wish I had finished the work.我当时完成那项工作就好了。

I wish引导的虚拟语气只有过去时和过去完成时态。

三、as if引导的虚拟语气(好像...一样)



He talks as if he were a star. 他说话的方式像个明星一样。

She talks as if she knew everything. 她说话就像什么都知道一样。


she acts as if she had been sick. 她表现得像生病了一样。

she talks as if she had seen him. 她说话就像见过他一样。

四、but for引导的虚拟语气 (but for + 主语, 主语+could/would +动词原型。)(如果没有....)

和as if 与 I wish一样,只有过去式和过去完成时

but for your help, we couldn't have finished the task on time.

= without your help, we couldn't have finished the task on time.

= if it had not been for your help, we couldn't have finished the task on time.


if only

if only 用于表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,特别是在某些情况没有发生或无法实现时。

If only he knew how much I love him. (要是他知道我有多爱他就好了。)

If only I were richer, I could buy that expensive car. (要是我更富有,我就能买那辆昂贵的汽车了。)

If only I had studied harder last year, I would have passed the exam. (去年我要是学习再努力点,我就会通过考试了。)

would rather 宁愿 (动词过去式)


I would rather you went to the party tonight. (我宁愿你今晚去参加聚会。)

We would rather you stayed here with us. (我们宁愿你留在这里和我们一起。)

insist (should+ 动词原型) 表示对某种情况或行为的强烈要求或主张,而这种情况或行为可能并未发生或并不符合现实。

He insisted that she (should) go to the doctor. (他坚持要求她去看医生。)

They insisted that we (should) attend the meeting. (他们坚持要求我们参加会议。)

advise、sugest (引导词用过去式+that +主语 + should+ 动词原型) 用于表达一种g建议或假设,而不是强制性的要求,通常可以省略should

He advised that I (should) study harder. (他建议我应该更努力学习。)

otherwise 否则 or 一坚持:insist 二命令:order/command 三建议:advise/suggest/recommend 四要求:demand/require/request/ask
